Thursday 7 January 2016

Heal your Heart Meditation

A meditation to heal your heart chakra,
for more information on the heart chakra, see previous blog post. 

  • Set a timer for how long you wish to meditate, recommended time 10-20 minutes. If you are new to meditating, I advise you to start with shorter meditations and successively lengthen the time.

  • Sit in a comfortable position, lengthen the spine and slightly lower the chin to chest, allowing the shoulders to drop down away from the ears.

  • Place the hands in dhyana mudra, thumb and index finger touching on both hands. Rest the left hand on the knee and place the right hand in front of the breastbone. (If holding this mudra becomes to intense during the meditation you can lower down the right hand to the knee as well, but try to remain in the position for as long as possible even though the mind might start to resist it.)

  • Close the eyes and begin to turn your awareness inwards, allowing the outside world to drift away.

  • When you are ready, begin to visualize a spinning wheel of green energy at the center of your chest.

  • Silently to yourself begin to chant the mantra YAM to activate the heart chakra.

  • Whenever you notice your awareness had drifted of, gently bring your awareness back to the center of your chest, visualizing the green spinning wheel with the energy of love and compassion as you silently repeat the mantra, Yam, Yam, Yam.

"May your thoughts support yourself and all other beings,
may your words support yourself and all other beings,
may your actions support yourself and all other beings."


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