Thursday 22 October 2015

Root down & calm down with Yin Yoga

Photos by Saara Oinonen

This sequence is designed to balance the Root Chakra and has calming and grounding effects. The poses are held for 5-10 breaths up to 3 minutes to target the connective tissues in the body as well as create greater circulation, unwind and loosen up both the body and the mind. Before you begin, it is helpful to find a timer to have by your side. If you're using your phone as a timer, remember to mute it ;) Find a calm, quiet space and enjoy the practice!

1. Childspose. Begin in childspose, sit on the heels and lower down the forehead to the mat. (Option to lie on your back and hug in the knees towards your chest, if childspose for any reason is'nt working for you.) 

Begin to calm your breath to calm the mind. Bring all your attention to the sensations of the breath, taking 10 deep breaths in the pose.

2. Toe stretch. From childspose, slowly rise up to sit on the heels and curl the toes under you. If this is too intense you can lower down the hands on the mat infront of you to lean some of the weight into the hands. Taking 5-10 breaths in the pose.

3. Ankle stretch. Uncurl the toes and lower down the hands behind you, lift the knees of the mat and lean the weight back into the hands. 5-10 breaths.

4. Dragonfly. Lower down into a seated position with the legs extended out to the sides. If this bothers the knees you can bring the legs closer together. If this already is an intense pose, remain seated. If possible you can begin to lower down into a forward fold. Find your edge, a position where you can remain for 3 minutes. If you have any lower back issues, keep the spine straight even though folding forwards, if not, you can allow the spine to be rounded. Allow your body to become heavy and relax the muscles as much as possible. 

After three minutes, slowly begin to walk your way up to seated. Raise the right arm up and side lean to the left, opening the right side body aswell as the backs of the legs. Either keep the left hand planted on the mat or lower down onto the elbow. Taking 5-10 deep breaths before side leaning to the other side.

5. Half Butterfly. Bring the legs together infront of you, bend in the right knee and placing the soul of the foot towards inner thigh. Slowly begin to lower down into a forward fold, find your edge, breathe and allow time to do most of the work for you. Spend 3 minutes in the pose before slowly rolling up to seated and changing position to the other leg. 

After half butterfly on both legs, extend the legs infront of you and shake out the legs to let go of any tension. 

6. Reclined butterfly. Lie down on your back and bring the souls of the feet together, either close to the body or further away if that is more comfortable. Allow the knees to become heavy and melt closer towards the floor. You can place your hands on your lower belly. Close your eyes and remain in the pose for three minutes.

7. Savasana, relaxation pose.  Extend the legs into Savasana, allow the legs to be apart and the feet to flop open. Arms are away from the body, palms facing up. Remain in the pose for atleast 3 minutes. Allow the body to surrender, feeling safe and supported by the earth. Relax and soak in the benefits of your grounding practice.


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