Thursday 23 July 2015

Why yoga makes you happy

The mind-body connection in combination with increasing breath awareness not only lifts the mood temporarily but can have an overall positive effect on your life. Research show that practicing yoga releases the hormone Oxytocin in the blood stream, which reduces Cortisol levels (the stress hormone), lowers blood pressure and encourages the flow of positive emotions. 

What you cultivate on the mat - increasing self-awareness, finding moments of stillness and changing body and thought patterns - will allow for change, growth and happiness to blossom of the mat as well. 

The next time you yoga, try to have more fun with it. You don't need to take it too seriously, allow yoga to be a tool to help you get rid of tension and stress rather than creating more of it. Happy practicing :)

Photo from Tuesdays outdoor yoga, taken by Lisen Julin for Vasabladet

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