One of the best ways to ground yourself is by connecting to nature. Next time you go outside, turn off your phone and spend time WITH nature's energies.
- You can make a mindfulness practice out of almost anything. If you're out gardening have the intention to be fully present in the moment by giving all your attention to what you're doing. Notice the sounds surrounding you, the colors of autumn and the leaves silently falling...
- Nature can teach us powerful lessons of life, as autumn is upon us we can take the opportunity to follow nature's example of letting go. As the leaves fall, we can ask ourselves what we could let go of? Is there anything in your life that no longer serves you? Things, situations, behaviors, thoughts or relationships? Ask yourself how you could nurture yourself instead.
- Try walking meditation. Keep the gaze down at you feet as you walk slowly, moving mindfully, taking one breath per step. (Preferably walking mediation is done barefoot, but at this time of year you might want to wear comfortable shoes...) You can walk around in a circle or do this in the forrest, having no destination as you do this meditation. Set a timer for how long you want to walk, when your timer goes off you can complete the meditation with a moment of seated meditation. Take a comfortable seat wherever you are and visualize roots growing down from your sitbones anchoring you into the earth.
- When you feel ungrounded you can visualize being a tree. You can use this simple, yet powerful visualization anytime, anywhere. For example if you're restless, standing in a queue in the supermarket, or if you're nervous about speaking in front of people. Take the opportunity to root down and grow tall. Stand with your feet hip width apart, visualizing your feet growing roots, to be safe and fully here in this moment.
"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished" - Lao Tzu
Photo of my classmates at Grimslövs folkhögskola. Looking forward to soon be reunited with this wonderful group of people after autumn break :)