Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Heal Emotional Wounds - Meditation

Sat Kriya is said to be one of the most powerful meditations from Kundalini yoga. It balances the chakras, mostly the three lower ones, massages the organs, strengthens the nervous system and the heart. It is said to protect the body from illness, heal mental imbalances and is an effective way to overcome fears and heal emotional wounds, as far back as childhood traumas.

Sat Nam is one of the most common mantras, connecting us with our consciousness as well as with universal truth. Sat Nam is sanskrit and translates to, I am truth or truth is my identity.

Keeping the arms straight stretching up also become a practice for strengthening the mind. Mind over matter, unless you experience any sharp pain of course. Keep going for one minute if you are a beginner and gradually work up to an optimal time of 3 minutes up to 7, 11, 22 or 31 minutes

Photo by Saara Oinonen

  • Sit on your heels, alternatively in another position if this is uncomfortable.

  • Reach your arms up above your head. Keep the arms straight with the upper arms hugging your ears. 

  • Interlace all fingers except the index fingers, pointing up towards the sky. Females cross left thumb over right, men cross right thumb over left. 

  • Close the eyes and keep your gaze and focus between the eyebrows, at the location for the third eye.

  • As you inhale through the mouth chant Sat, drawing the navel up and back towards the spine.

  • As you exhale through the mouth, almost like a sight, chant Nam and relax the belly (Naaaam).

  • Keep the exhalations longer than the inhales and repeat in a pace that feels comfortable and natural. 

  • To finish, inhale deeply, engage the root lock and draw the energy up from the root all the way to your fingertips and hold the breath. Exhale to slowly release the arms. 

  • It is optimal to relax in Savasana, final relaxation pose, for the same amount of time you sat in meditation. 

The truth in me acknowledges the truth in you. 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Spring has Sprung - Time to Detox?

Spring is a time for nature and ourselves to awaken for a fresh start and for the new to begin we sometimes have to clear out the old. Before its too late, when the leaves still are young, take the opportunity to spring clean your inner system with blooming natural goodies that nature provides. Without fasting or detoxing in any other way, simply add one or all of these three herbs to your diet! Dry the herbs and drink them as tea twice a day by pouring hot water over the leaves. You can do this over a weekend up to three weeks for more effect. 

1. Dandelion. Pick the leaves from dandelions when they are young because larger leaves become bitter. You can also dry the roots for tea, use the flowers in colourful salads or throw the whole plant in a smoothie! Dandelion is detoxifying, stimulates the digestive system and strengthens the liver and kidneys. 

2. Nettles. Nettles grow where the soil is full of nutritions and therefore themselves become multi vitamins, particularly rich in iron and calcium! Pick them when they are babies, wear gloves and heat or dry them before you consume them. You can make nettle soup or dry the leaves for tea or powder. Besides being rich in minerals, nettles help clean the blood, kidneys and urinary system from waste.

3. Birch. Birch supports the bodies system to flush out toxins, aids digestion and suports circulation. It also lowers cholesterol levels and boosts the immune system. Pluck the leaves as small as possible, dry them or place them directly in hot water for a refreshing drink!

Inspired by our teacher this week, Kristina Lundberg, who we have spent time with in the forrest picking greens and tasting herbs. 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Hola Yogis!

I am back in Sweden after a class trip to Spain. My folk high school year is coming to its end and this last month has been intense, therefore I have been missing in action these last weeks on the blog. 

However, I would like to through the ball to you now;
What do you want to read and learn more about? 

If you have any questions, requests on tips and sequences, don't hesitate to comment or send me an email on and I will do my best to meet your needs ;)

Meanwhile, I hope you are with me on the 4 week challenge to Recharge and Improve Your Sleep in May on In the latest post I shared a breathing technique to tap into the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for relaxation, digestion and healing. 

Click on the photo to read the whole article with information and tips on how you can effect your breath with breathing techniques. 

Stay tuned, stay rested! 

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Top 25 European Yoga Blogs

Honored to be featured! Click on photo to view the full article. Also check out the other inspirational top yoga blogs for more amazingness. WOW!