Friday, 29 July 2016


Looks like the good weather will continue tomorrow morning and we can enjoy ONE MORE SUMMER YOGA session outdoors!

Join me tomorrow, SATURDAY 10.00 and begin the weekend with a Slow Flow, a gentle sequence to relieve stress, open your heart and increase your energy! 

Beginners and more experienced yogis are WELCOME! Everybody can join! Bring your friends and your own mat. 

Pay what you want 

Click on picture for event on Facebook. 

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Seal in The Practice

THANK YOU, thank you, thank you
to all of you who have created and shared awesome energy during Summer Yoga this year! 


This morning was the last day of the scheduled summer yoga, however stay updated for any extra pop up yoga classes like last Saturday ;) Also I will soon release info about a course in September to nurture yourself at Wasa Yoga Center and tune into the shift of seasons with Yoga!

At the end of the yoga classes we chant the mantra OM to seal in the practice, but what does this powerful sound really mean? 

OM is a mantra, or a vibration that is often called the "sound of the universe" and vibrates in everything so softly we are mostly unaware of it. It is the vibration of a heart pulsing, the melody in a sea shell, the vibration of the waves in the ocean and the echo from big bang.

When we chant OM out loud we pronounce it as A-U-M and the sound creates a vibration in the body that is soothing and brings you in contact with your true self. According to yogic tradition we seal in the practice by chanting OM together as an expression of gratitude and respect to our higher selves, universal consciousness, loving kindness, compassion and love - within and without. As with everything in yoga you are free to give your practice your own meaning and can therefore add any meaning to this moment when we sit in stillness and unite with the palms together in front of our hearts.

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti - Peace Peace Peace

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Chill Out!

This cooling and refreshing drink will keep you rehydrated during hot summer days:

1/2 Chopped, fresh pineapple
3 dl Coconut milk
2 tbsp Pumpkin seeds
1 Slice ginger
1 tsp Honey or agave sirap
1/2  Squeezed lime 
Ice cubes optional

Blend all of the ingredients together, serve and enjoy! 

Friday, 15 July 2016

Let Life Live Through You

"Hokusai says look carefully.

He says pay attention, notice.

He says keep looking, stay curious.

He says there is no end to seeing.

He says look forward to getting old.

He says keep changing, you just get more who you really are.

He says get stuck, accept it, repeat yourself as long as it is interesting.

He says keep doing what you love.

He says keep praying.

He says everyone of us is a child, everyone of us is ancient, everyone of us has a body.

He says every one of us is frightened.

He says every one of us has to find a way to live with fear.

He says everything is alive – shells, buildings, people, fish, mountains, trees, wood is alive.

Water is alive.

Everything has its own life.

Everything lives inside us.

He says live with the world inside you.

He says it doesn’t matter if you draw, or write books. 

It doesn’t matter if you saw wood, or catch a fish.

It doesn’t matter if you sit at home and stare at the ants on your veranda 

or the shadows of the trees and grasses in your garden.

It matters that you care.

It matters that you feel.

It matters that you notice.

It matters that life lives through you.

Contentment is life living through you.

Joy is life living through you.

Satisfaction and strength is life living through you.

He says don’t be afraid.

Don’t be afraid.

Love, feel, let life take you by the hand.

Let life live through you."

- Roger Keyes

Read this poem slowly, pause, reflect and allow the words to sink in. 
Photo by Saara Oinonen

Take life by the hand and have a happy weekend!

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

At The Moment

So summer yoga finally begun last week and I am amazed by how many people are showing up to practice outdoors. Keep up the practice guys or join if you have not yet had the time to! Click here to read more about the event. 

I also had the opportunity to be part of a breakfast and yoga event hosted by Frukostflickorna at Klemetsgårdarna last Saturday. The morning begun with a green smoothie, a flow yoga session outdoors followed by an amazing breakfast prepared by klemetsgårdarna. Thanks to Ella Grangärd the awesomeness was captured on photo.

Apart from enjoying being back in my home over summer; teaching yoga, offering massages and spending time with friends and family, I am doing a 40 day meditation challenge. 

Even though I have a regular meditation practice, I have never before committed to a 40 day challenge. I am at the moment on my 16th day of practicing Kritan Kriya, also known as Sa-Ta-Na-Ma meditation, one of the most powerful meditations to transform, according to Kundalini Yoga. This meditation is said to heal emotional wounds and balance the mental, emotional and physical body. 

Yogic science says that it takes 40 days to develop a habit and that 40 days of consistent meditation builds concentration, clears and re-programes the subconscious mind, reduces stress and invites peace instead. Click on the photo bellow for more detailed meditation instructions. 

Commit to what serves you, drop what does not.
Hope you all are doing well.


Friday, 1 July 2016

Mental Training Through the Body

We are often being told that we can control our minds and therefore choose what we think. This is certainly true, but is it really that easy? And is this causing even more pressure on us not to experience feelings that are uncomfortable or considered "bad"? 

When feelings are overwhelming it can be extremely hard to think about something positive, or on a mental level try to change something that we are experiencing on a feeling level. In fact, changing our thoughts, overthinking and trying to be "positive" in that moment might actually cause resistance towards the feelings and push them away instead. What happens when we push feelings away? They get stored in the body, create blockages which usually lead to physical illness and imbalance. I'm sure most of you have experienced what happens when you try to avoid a feeling. To desperately get your attention, it will come knocking on your door even harder next time. So how can we be-friend our feelings and learn how to be honest and humble with ourselves instead? 

Enter: Mental training through the body.

As part of my studies in wellness developement I have had the opportunity to spend a couple of days with Tobias Tufvesson, the owner and creator of To Be Hälso & Rehab Studio in Lönsboda, Sweden. The energy in our classroom had never before been as focused as when Tobias spoke. During our first coffee break, after only having had one hour of introduction of To be life & sport, which comes from basic body awareness therapy, many of us agreed this was by far the most interesting subject we had had. 

Tobias asked us: what is the least you can do in order to be present with your feelings?  

We did an exercise and stood up in the classroom, rocking slightly side to side, leaning weight over to the right foot, then to the left. We learned about the importance of the feet, how they are the base and therefore create stability for the rest of the body. 

Through this system it is possible to find the root cause of the symptoms, since for example shoulder ache, back ache, migraines or hip pain seldom occur out of the blue. This is a holistic approach to facing and releasing stored emotions, by allowing them to surface we can invite freedom instead. 

Tobias introduced us to simple yet effective practices to work with the body in order to become aware of and change posture, moving patterns, breathing patterns, behavioral and thinking patterns for the better, as they are all connected.  

Instead of working our superficial muscles to look good, we should focus more on strengthening our deeper postural muscles to become more stable, grounded and to FEEL good. As Tobias put it: allow the body to melt the impressions that the head can't handle on its own. 

Note to self from class: 
Can I let go even more? 
How am I standing on my feet? 
Where is my breath? 

 After our last study session with Tobias I was eager to learn even more, so I booked a private appointment at To Be Hälso & Rehab Studio and my already high expectations were met by far. The words that were said, the practical tools I was given and Tobias's ability to guide me to my center after only minutes changed a lot of things for me. 

The practices that Tobias taught me are now part of my daily morning routine and so far they have worked perfectly to center myself before I meditate. I have also noticed, only after one month of practicing, an improvement in stability both on and off the yoga mat. My body awareness has improved and I have started to pay attention to for example how I stand, walk, to relax my jaw.

If you have the opportunity I strongly recommend you to book an appointment at the To Be Hälso & Rehab studio. Tobias's knowledge from 18 years of B-BAT - Basic body awareness, CBT - cognitive behaviour treatment, tai chi, aikio and qi gong in combination with his ability to read people and his humble approach, makes him one of the most inspiring persons I have met. 

It is my belief as well that you can definately choose your attitude and learn how to use your mind instead of your mind using you. Acceptance is the key. Still, emotional memories that are stored in the body can most likely not dissolve only with the "right attitude". Instead of fighting the feelings, holding on to tension which we are often unaware of, dare to listen inwards for the answers. Dare to feel!

I would like to sum up by quoting Tobias; 
"You are who you are until you are who you wish to be."

Click on link to read more at 
or follow Tobias on facebook