Wednesday, 20 January 2016

4 Yoga Poses for Blood Pressure

Yoga slows down the heart rate, calms the nervous system, relaxes the muscles and can reduce underlying stress which usually is the cause for high blood pressure (hypertension).

Long deep breaths is the most effective way to trigger relaxation and is therefore also a natural remedy for lowering blood pressure. If you begin to experience dizziness anytime you practice yoga, back out of the pose and breathe deeply. 

1. Downward facing dog. Begin standing on all four and straighten the legs, sending the sit bones up and back. You can walk out the feet in downward facing dog to loosen up the backs of the legs. Remain in the pose for 10 deep breaths. 

2. Standing forward fold. Begin to walk the feet forwards to the top of the mat coming into a standing forward fold. Keep the knees as bent as you need to. You can shake the head slightly side to side here to let go of tension in neck and shoulders, take 10 deep breaths. 

3. Bridge pose. Come down to lie on the back, walk in the feet so you can touch the heels with your fingertips and lower down the palms on the mat. On an inhale lift up the hips towards the sky, option to interlace the fingers under you to deepen the backbend. Take 5-10 breaths in the pose before slowly lowering down on an exhale. 

4. Apanasana. Hug in the knees towards your chest and rock slightly side to side. Close the eyes and as you give yourself a hug and gently massage the back. Remain in the pose for 10 breaths before you extend the legs straight and rest in Savasana, final relaxation pose, for as long as you like to. 


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