Enjoy this gentle sequence whenever you feel you need to nurture yourself and boost your vitality. Wind down to decrease the levels of stress hormones in the body in order to strengthen the immune systems ability to fight against infections and germs.
Yoga and the chakras correspond to and stimulate the lymph system by targeting different meridians and acupressure points through yoga poses. This sequence is designed to strengthen the thymus, which is directly related to the immune system. Thymus is Greek and translated to life energy, it is located at the same area as the heart chakra, in the middle of the chest, therefore any heart opening postures can help to boost vitality and increase your energy levels if your feeling low!
Always listen to your own body through out the practice and be gentle with yourself, especially if you're sick or feeling an infection or cold coming up, however avoid practicing yoga if you have a fever. Preferably breathe through the nose unless it's stuffed then breathe through the mouth.
Before you begin it's helpful to find a timer to have by your side as some of the poses are held for up to three minutes. Mute your phone and begin to surrender in this time and space you have created for yourself right now.
1. Butterfly. Place the souls of the feet together, either close to yourself or further away whichever makes more sense to your body and begin to lower down the upper body into a forward fold. If you have any lower back issues keep the spine straight, if your lower back is fine allow the spine to round. Allow the body to become heavy and the neck and shoulders to relax. Remain in the pose for three minutes.
2. Lateral Dragonfly. Extend the legs out to the sides only as far as feels okay, if this already is intense you can remain here in a seated position, place the hands behind you and lean the weight back into the hands. If you wish to deepen you can raise left arm and begin to fold the upper body sideways over the right leg. Support yourself with the right hand on the inside of the thigh or option to lower down onto the elbow. Remain in the pose for 10 long deep breaths before folding sideways over the other leg.
3. Half Saddle. Extend the right leg straight, bend in the left knee and lowering down the foot beside you (as shown in photo). Either remain seated here or begin to lower down onto the elbows to deepen the sensations in the hip flexors and quadriceps. Option to lower down all the way to lie on the back, only if your knees allow you to. To deepen even further you can bend in the right led and hug in the knee towards your chest. Remain three minutes in the pose before you move slowly to switch legs.
If you experience pain in the knees here, skip this pose.
4. Camel. Come up to stand on the knees and measure the distance between the knees with the knuckles so they are hip width apart. Place the hands by your lower back, on an inhale roll the shoulders back and begin to lean the upper body backwards. Press the hips forwards and if it feels okay you can allow the head to fall back. If you can stay connected to your deep breaths here, remain in the pose for 10 breaths, if your body tells you to back out of the pose sooner then do so and counterpose in childspose for 10 deep breaths.

5. Caterpillar. From childspose roll up to seated and extend the legs out in front of you. On an exhale begin to lower down into a forward fold to counterpose the heart opener once again and bring your awareness back inwards after opening the physical and emotional heart in the backbend. Remain in the pose for 3 minutes.
6. Savasana. Roll down to lie on your back for savasana, final relaxation pose and rest here for as long as you like to. Allow the body to soak in the benefits of your practice to recharge, strengthen and boost your immune system and your energy.
Namaste :)
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