Monday 11 April 2016

3 Minute Lotus Mudra Meditation

In Buddhism the lotus flower is a symbol of the beauty that emerges from darkness. The lotus flower has its roots deep in the mud, from where it grows up to the water surface where it beautifully blooms. It represents awakening and awareness, to staying connected to your roots and to open your heart to light and love. 

Take three minutes for this lotus mudra meditation to awaken a 
free flow of energy in the body, an open mind and an open heart.

If you are new to this meditation you can begin with keeping the arms lifted for one minute and successively lengthen the time. If it becomes too intense to keep the arms raised above the head slowly lower down the hands in front of the heart center. If it just becomes uncomfortable see if you can push through the mental resistance. However, if you experience sharp pain lower the arms.  

  • Begin in a cross-legged comfortable position, option to sit in half lotus or full lotus. 

  • Fold the hands into the lotus mudra with the heel of the hands together, thumbs and pinky fingers toughing. Spread the fingers wide like a lotus. 

  • Raise the arms up above the head with the elbows slightly bent and lower down the shoulders away from the ears. 

  • Close the eyes and bring your awareness to your connection to the earth, the sitbones connecting you to your roots, feeling steady, secure and grounded. 

  • Visualize a flower begin to emerge from your roots climbing its way up your spine. Move your awareness slowly up the spine all the way up to the crown of your head. 

  • When your awareness reaches the crown of the head the plant begins to blossom spreading its petals, 

  • Whenever your awareness drifts off, gently bring your awareness back to the visualization opening up to light and love.

  • When the timer goes of, lower down the hands infront of the heart center, bring the palms together to meet in namaste and bow to yourself and to your inner light. 


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