Wednesday 20 April 2016

Meditation to Break Free

Kritan Kriya meditation, also called Sa Ta Na Ma meditation, is one of the most important and powerful meditations in Kundalini Yoga. Yogi Bhajan has said that if you are only going to practice one meditation, this is it! 

-Cleanses the subconscious mind
- Heals emotional wounds 
- Helps break negative habits and addictions 
- Reduces stress
- Supports mental and emotional balance

This meditation is 11 minutes long and you can either use a timer or find a song on youtube or spofify, by writing Sa Ta Na Ma, to help you keep track of time. To begin, find a comfortable crosslegged seat with the hands on the knees, palms facing the sky. 

- Chant Sa, touch thumb and index finger
 -Chant Ta, touch thumb and middle finger
- Chant Na, touch thumb and ring finger
- Chant Ma, touch thumb and little finger

- 2 Minutes chanting out loud
- 2 Minutes whispering
- 2 Minutes chanting the mantra silently
- 2 Minutes wispering
- 2 Minutes chanting out loud

Remain seated for a while and enjoy the stillness and the notice any effects of your meditation.
Namaste, the light in me sees the light in you!

   Photos by Saara Oinonen


  1. Provade just denna meditation men kunde inte koncentrera mig för jag visste inte vad jag skulle göra med min andning. Speciellt när man ska chanta högt och viska kände jag att andningen blev lite stressad. Hur ska man andas i denna meditation?

  2. Sat nam Jenny: Du skal chante på utpust og innpust: Inn mens du chanter; Sa Ta Na Ma Pust ut mens du chanter Sa Ta Na MA .... Pusten skal egentlig kun få være så naturlig som mulig. Det som er viktigst er Dhristi ( øyefokus ) slik at du transformerer energien riktig vei. Namaste <3
