Wednesday 6 April 2016

Chakra of the Month: Crown Chakra

The crown chakra, or in Sanskrit called the Sahaswara chakra is located at the crown of the head and is the center for pure awareness and absence of ego.

Beginning from the root chakra, keeping us grounded and connected to earth, the chakra ladder climbs up the spine with the crown chakra at the top. In order for the crown chakra to be open the lower chakras need to be in balance so that energy can travel up from our roots.

Balanced Crown Chakra: 
Ability to live in the present moment and trusting our intuition and inner knowledge, Spiritually aware and selfless, Strong nervous system, physical and emotional tolerant and integrated with spirituality, experiencing oneness.

Imbalanced Crown Chakra:
May occur as sensitivity to sounds and light, learning difficulties, skin problems, headaches and muscular disease. Feeling a lack of purpose. exessive worrying about the meaning of life and easily feeling like a victim. Depression, being stuck in sorrow, chronic exhaustion and fear of death. 


How to balance Sahaswara Chakra: 
- Include "quit time" to your daily routine to turn inwards
- Eat garlic, onions and ginger the so called "trinity roots" to strengthen the meditative mind
- Meditate, meditate and meditate. A little meditation is better than no mediation at all!
-  Get inspired! Read inspiring books, watch inspiring movies or create a vision board
- Start a dream journal
- Difference between ego and self
- Help others for the sake of helping others, ask yourself how you can give more instead of get more 
- Head massages
- Wear purple clothes 
- Levendel essential oil
- Amethyst crystals

Yoga sequences, meditations, affirmations and more practical tips to strengthen the crown chakra coming up this month so stay tuned! :) Namaste!

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