Friday 25 March 2016

Meditation to Turn on Your GPS

is the gps of the soul... 
.. is yours turned on??"

  • Set a timer for how long you wish to meditate, from three minutes up to a recommended time of 10-20 minutes. Remember that a little meditation is way better than no meditation at all!

  • Find a comfortable seat to begin with. Place the palms together in front of the heart with the fingertips touching. Lower the thumbs pointing down and widen the distance between the palms bending the index fingers. 

  • Close the eyes and bring your awareness to the point between the eyebrows, the location for the third eye chakra, the seat for our intuition.

  • Begin to visualize an indigo or purple spinning wheel of energy at the forehead as you chant the mantra OM silently to yourself to center your awareness.

  • Whenever you notice your awareness being elsewhere, be gentle and as non-judgmental as possible towards yourself and bring the awareness back to the spinning wheel of purple color and chanting the mantra. 

  • When the timer goes of, bring the palms together and notice what the energies in the body feel like at the moment. To complete the meditation you can end with inhaling deeply and as you exhale chant the mantra OM out loud.

Thank yourself for taking the time to turn on your inner GPS and dare to trust it. 


1 comment:

  1. Truly an amazing post on mediation. My sister just had her depression treatment from a Mississauga chiro clinic and practitioner has suggested her meditating regularly for peace of mind. It’s a great therapy I think.
